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A Timeline Of Events

Tyler Stanaland and Brittany Snow's Separation and Divorce

A Timeline of Events

Tyler Stanaland and Brittany Snow were married for two years before separating in September 2022.

Stanaland has recently joined his father and brother at a rival real estate firm.

Reasons for the Separation

The reasons for the separation are still unknown.

Sources close to the couple say they had been having problems for several months.

Stanaland's New Business Venture

After leaving the Oppenheim Group, Stanaland started his own real estate firm.

His new company is focused on luxury real estate in Orange County.

Snow's Current Status

Snow has not publicly commented on the separation.

She has been posting photos on social media with friends and family.

Impact on "Selling the OC"

It is unclear if Stanaland's departure from the Oppenheim Group will affect his role on "Selling the OC."

The show has been renewed for a second season.


The separation of Tyler Stanaland and Brittany Snow is a sad end to what was once a beautiful relationship.

We wish them both well in the future.
